Teaching Multiplication Methods

Where to start

Multiplication methods crucial to Mathematics. If your child/learner has not yet grasped the concept of multiplication this can affect their learning in later years and particularly affect their understanding of division. It is important highlight how multiplication is about grouping and that you work them out by skip counting.

skip counting 2 4 8

 Lower year levels can start with skip counting in 2s then progress further as they begin to understand. It is important to have your learner recognise the word format of the numbers as a lot of students begin to struggle with worded problems in later years. You should also explain what kind of key words may indicate to the learner that the worded problem is for multiplication. For example: multiply, groups of, times.

Where learners struggle

In multiplication, learners struggle the most with the 7 times tables. This is because 7 is a larger number and is also a prime. It gets harder to skip count when larger numbers are involved so the 6s and 8s can also be a struggle.

Tricks to teach learners

Point out the following in your lessons:

  • For younger learners, use the number line to show them how to skip count first then get them to use their fingers to skip count. For example: first finger is 2, second finger is 4, third finger is 6.
  • For learners who struggle with 6s, teach them the 3 times tables and let them know how 6s are doubled versions of them.
  • For learners who struggle with 8s, teach them the 4 times tables and let them know how 8s are doubled versions of them.
  • For learners who struggle with 9s, teach them the finger trick in the kit.
  • You can tell them to approach it by first going to the easiest ones that they know then counting from that point instead of counting from 0. For example: 7 x 6. They may know their 5 times tables so they can work out 7 x 5 then add another 7 to the answer to work out 7 x 6.

How to use our kits

Our kits are provided as PDF printable files. Each will have a year level guide as well as an activity guide. The year level guide provides an idea of what level of learning your learner should be comprehending while the activity guide provides a few interactive ideas on how to effectively teach them. You are of course, free to create your own activities along with our kits. You will need to print these kits out on your own and possibly laminate and use a whiteboard marker for some of them if you wish to re-use them a few times.

You can download the Multiplication Methods Kit here.

Important Information

Please remember that Tutor Kits is based in Australia. That means that these activities and guides are based on the Australian curriculum and may not be suitable for overseas learning. Always check with your school about appropriate learning levels.

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